Fully Committed Followers is one of our first guest
post articles, the first of many. It is written by my close friend, Dominique
Lovell who has a heart that longs for intimacy with Jesus and for others to
have that very same passion. I'm sure that as you read it, you would also have
a desire to be fully committed to Jesus.
When we look at our lives, the obstacles we face,
the trials, temptations and the great effort that it takes to go against the
grain of society and stand firmly in our faith, many times we ask ourselves, is
Jesus worth it? Is He really worth all of the trouble and self-denial?
My answer to you each and every time is YES, He is worth it. In fact, He is
worth far much more because He first loved you!
But God showed His
great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners. Romans
Jesus Christ is a demonstration of God’s extravagant
love for us! Even though we were created for God’s glory and we were the ones
who rebelled in sin and rejected Him time and time again, YET He still desired us and even dared
to come in the form of man, Jesus, live a life of perfect submission to God,
suffer, die, resurrect and ascend to Heaven and promise to come again, all that
God could have you forever! Jesus
Christ, the Son of God, the God Man died for your sins that you may be
reconciled to God! And He’s coming back for all those who He has called His
own, those who have received Him. That is the gospel of Jesus Christ – that
while we were yet undeserving, God desired us and made a way through Jesus
Christ giving us an open invitation to receive Him as our Lord and Saviour.
When we examine what great lengths God has gone to demonstrate His immense love
for us, I think it is time that we consider our response. What does the good
news of Jesus Christ mean to us? Are we living lives worthy of the gospel? Paul
urged the church of Philippi to live lives worthy of the good news of Christ,
he reminded them of key facts: that they were citizens of Heaven above all else
and that unity in the body of Christ in fighting for the common cause of the faith
is necessary when seeking to live worthy lives.
Above all, you must
live as citizens of heaven, conducting yourselves in a manner worthy of the
Good News about Christ. Then, whether I come and see you again or only hear
about you, I will know that you are standing together with one spirit and one
purpose, fighting together for the faith, which is the Good News. Philippians
We ought to stand united as the body of Christ
fighting the good fight of faith together!
It was necessary for Paul to remind the church of
Philippi that they were citizens of Heaven, and this reminder rings through for
us today because so often we forget. We spend the majority of our time, energy,
resources and money on earthly things and therein forget that we don’t live for
this life solely. In fact, this life is but a foretaste of the next, a
transitioning point to which we work towards establishing the Kingdom of God
here until it is fully come. Don’t get distracted by the cares of this world,
this is not your final destination! Let your lifestyle and priorities reflect
that your treasures are stored in Heaven where moth and rust won’t destroy. When you are a fully committed follower of
Jesus, you set your eyes on things above where Christ is seated and rightly
represent the Kingdom to which you belong.
We ought to be united with ONE spirit and one purpose, this means that there must be a choice. Many times we find persons who
contemplate being fully committed to Jesus, and they decline the invitation and
make excuses to continue to indulge in their ungodly lifestyles. In fact, some
of them are okay with simply appearing to be Christians while they continue to
follow their own worldly desires. My friend, that is subtle deception; you
cannot serve two masters, you will love one and hate the other.
You adulterers! Don't
you realize that friendship with the world makes you an enemy of God? I say it
again: If you want to be a friend of the world, you make yourself an enemy of
God. James 4:4
God wants all or nothing.
No reservations
No façades.
No reservations
No façades.
He doesn’t want your appearance of godliness or your
‘goodness’, He wants your HEART, and
until He gets that, He won’t be satisfied. Unless you truly surrender your life
to God, receive Jesus and live a life unto Him, you will be an enemy of God and
I admonish you to correct that for it is better to know Him as Father now than
Judge then.
Serving Christ is not a
passive decision, you must
passionately desire to go after Him with all that you are, you must pick up
your cross and follow Him daily. He wants your time, your dreams, your desires,
your love, your heart...your life. He wants it all.
34 “Do not think that I
came to bring peace on earth. I did not come to bring peace but a sword. 35 For
I have come to ‘set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother,
and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law’; 36 and ‘a man’s enemies will
be those of his own household.’ 37 He who loves father or mother more than Me
is not worthy of Me. And he who loves son or daughter more than Me is not
worthy of Me. 38 And he who does not take his cross and follow after Me is not
worthy of Me. 39 He who finds his life will lose it, and he who loses his life
for My sake will find it. Matthew
Jesus did not come in the flesh so that you could
remain the same! He did not come so you could continue to be comfortable in
your sin. Jesus came to rescue you! To free you of your misconceptions, to shed
light and truth in your present darkness. He loves you too much to leave you
the same. Fully committed followers of
Jesus understand that they must never love another more than Jesus, they
understand that in order to find their lives in Christ, they must first lose it
by giving it over to Him.
My question to you today is, are you a fully committed follower of Jesus? Are you living as a
citizen of Heaven with your eyes fixed on that which is eternal? When no one
else will follow Jesus, are you still willing to give Him your heart, soul,
mind and strength? Will you make Jesus your choice even when He’s unpopular? Are
you willing to forsake all to follow Him?
Consider these questions and answer them truthfully,
then consider this reality – He is
He deserves
a life which is fully committed to Him. I know surrendering is often a
challenging and even scary request but it is required if we are to experience the fullness of life in Christ. If
we are to truly encounter Him and live lives worthy of the gospel of Christ, we
have to allow Him to be our Saviour AND our
I leave you with this final word of encouragement, God
wants your entire heart and He will settle for nothing else and nothing less.
Jesus did not come to save you simply for you to remain the same, when you
receive Christ, you become a new creation, therefore put away the old man and
the old way of life! Embrace the newness of life in Christ. Dare to live a life
that is worthy of the gospel of Christ today; every sacrifice you make is worth
it. Be reminded, Jesus is looking for
committed followers.
This means that anyone
who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life
has begun! 2 Corinthians 5:17
Prayer starter: Lord I recognize that You will not
relent until You have all of me, today I surrender and submit my heart, will
and mind to Your leadership. Holy Spirit, I ask that You will empower me to
lead a life worthy of the gospel and that You will direct my steps in the ways
of righteousness. I put off the old man and lay aside every weight and idol
which hinder me from following You, I repent for loving another more than You.
Lord it is my earnest desire that I never love another more than I love You,
please make this my reality. All of these things I ask in the precious name of
my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen.
Dominique Lovell is a talkative, ambitious and
humorous Christian. She is an immense lover of people and this has fueled her
choice to pursue a degree in Social Work. She believes and promotes that as
Christian youths, we should be setting an example for all believers through
speech, conduct, love, faith and purity. It is her desire to encourage, edify
and inspire through her writing and she hopes that it will provoke your mind
and stir your spirit. Read more of her posts at Heavenly Glimpses.
“You may not be
able to change the world, but you can definitely change a life.” – Dominique
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